Monday 31 May 2010

Bright but distressed....

Here's a little card that kind of expresses how I'm feeling today... a little bit bright but at the same time a little distressed...
It's lovely and sunny outside, not that I've managed to see any of the sun yet as I've been stuck on this computer trying to sort out bank accounts and direct debits... had to change my bank account last week and as per usual... nothing ever goes blooming well straight forward and easy does it !!!!
Got details of my new account, a cheque book and new pin number... do I have a new card to use with the pin... don't be silly.... in addition to that my old account has been closed so I can't even use those cards .....
How the dickens are you expected to pay for anything when the only option you have is to pay by cheque... not very convenient in today's modern living is it.
Right, now that I've aired my views a little... glad you can't see the steam that is in actual fact billowing from my entire body at this moment in time... I'm off to sit in the sun for a while and try to cool my jets a little.
Maybe in an hour or so when I feel a light more light hearted I'll tackle a wee challenge card.
Apologies for my grumpyness and I'll be more cheerful later.
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx


  1. What a gorgeous card Lorraine,i love your image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  2. I hoped you have cooled by now but know what you mean about banks they really do love to keep us from our money don't they. Anyhow your card is beautiful, love the effect the flowers give.
    Kim xXx

  3. that is very cute card Lorraine!

  4. No wonder you are grumpy - that is just so bad - it really annoys me how they think it is OK to leave you stuck like that, and the only response you get from them is 'call into a branch'! Really hope it get sorted for you soon lovey.
    Fabulous card though - I love the flowers and the colours xx
