Friday 2 April 2010

Welcome to the Dragon's Den....

Now I would say good morning to you all... but hey... I'm just a little bit on the late side today to get away with that... lol... at least I guess it's still better than yesterday when I didn't manage to post at all. So sorry about that, but too much to do and too little time to do it all in... you know what I mean.... in addition to that I was feeling a little on the 'crap' side of life (quite literally)... thankfully I appear to be back to normal today which is a good thing as I have another long list to tackle.

Anyway, when I was at the NEC I didn't have much time to shop and what I did get I had to be careful about so I wasn't over my weight allowance... not much room in the old case you know when it's full of punches etc, and boy do they sure add weight to your case. Alas, this was one little fella I just couldn't leave behind... no way... he was definately coming home with me (in hand luggage of course to prevent breakage, just like my tea cup and saucer). He is just the cutest little dragon and is made from polymer clay... beautiful colours but my favourite parts are his nose & feather trim... cheeky little blighter that he is... he's already taken up residence on my craft desk and is not prepared to
Well I just had to share with you and now I'm off to get started on today's work load but will pop back later to give you an update on some new shows on Ideal World.
Hope you all have a fab day full of wonderful crafting.
Lorraine xxx

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