Wednesday 14 April 2010

Race For Life....

(sadly passed away from Ovarian Cancer)
Evening folks... I know that many of you will already have read about this matter but I am posting also for anyone who hasn't...
Joanne... was the cousin of one of our fellow bloggers... Amanda (scotspanda) who sadly passed away a few weeks ago after a fight with Ovarian Cancer.
Now, in memory of her cousin and to help raise funds & awareness, Amanda has decided to do the 'Race for Life' in Inverness on Sunday 9th May. She has set up a sponsor page and if you can spare even as little as £1 it would be a great help to her. Amanda is not a greedy person and would be so appreciative of any sponsorships received so if you would like to help her on her way then please click on the link below that will take you straight to her sponsorship page.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to read this posting and to anyone who gives a contribution towards the cause.
Love hugs & kisses
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW hun you are a star!!! thankyou so much for your sponsorship and also for advertising me lol I really really do appreciate your support my lovely friend :o)

    lotsalove and hugs

    Amanda xxx
