Tuesday 6 April 2010

Easter Weekend....

Morning folks... and happy Easter to all... hope you've all had a fabulous time over the last few days, filled with fun and laughter, and hopefully not that much chocolate that you ended up sick... lol
I've been busy all weekend making samples and working on a wedding order... but as they say... all work and no play leads to a very boring life... so... on Saturday we took a little jaunt into Glasgow to the Transport Museum... unfortunately it's current home is not set up to store these beautiful antiques correctly and the result being that they are now showing severe signs of damage... so as of April 18th 2010 the current location will close to the public for good. Thankfully there is a new building being constructed to house this wonderful collection and it will be opening in 2011 at Glasgow Riverside. It will be a climate controlled building so hopefully there will be no more damage to the wonderful treasures it houses.
Sunday... well that was more of a work day... got stuck in as best I could whilst Rob took a trip to the gym etc, then we popped off to Tesco to do the weekly shop... rather boring day all round I guess.
Monday... another jaunt into Glasgow... this time to the Burrell collection, Pollok House and Pollok Park. Well first stop was the Burrell collection, a little nosey around the artifacts etc then into the coffee shop for a bite to eat whilst looking out over the grassland... very relaxing indeed. Now I don't know if you saw it on the news or not but there was a relatively rare calf born at the park a few weeks back and how could I possibly leave without seeing it... lol... so off we trundled around the surrounding area on the look out for the new addition. Pollok Park is home to some stunning Highland Cattle and one of them recently gave birth to a rare colour calf (classed as silver), sorry the info is basic here but I can't even find the correct details on the net at the minute... and would you believe that when we found the gorgeous little creature, it was sat amid the top of a hill and I then realised that I had forgotten to lift the camera :-((( now how truly silly was that. Hopefully, we'll manage another trip in the very near future.. armed with camera of course and I will then be able to post a picture. Whilst there we decided it would be nice to have a walk around the grounds of Pollok Park and did we see the funniest of sights... the river was flowing rather quickly yesterday and there in the middle of it all was this little duck swimming back & forth quacking his little heart out... he was obviously enjoying his white water rapid ride and boy was it hysterical...
Well... the holiday weekend is past and it's back to business as usual today... need to continue with samples as they are due for delivery on Thursday then some more work to do on the wedding order... no rest for the wicked as they say eh !!! lol
Toodles for now and I'll be back soon.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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