Thursday 29 April 2010

Candy Giveaway No6... CLOSED


Morning folks... sorry I didn't manage to post yesterday but it was just one of those days... ended up baby sitting and everything for my friend as her house was being painted and as we all know... paint and 2 year olds do not mix very well... lol
Anyway, to get on with the business of candy giveaways... here's what's up for grabs today... there are 2 stamps included in this giveaway, 1 with hedgehogs and the other with kitty cats... both stamps are from Little Claire Designs.
If you fancy a chance at Mr Postie delivering them to your door free of charge then simply follow the rules...
1. You must have an active blog.
2. Leave a comment on this posting.
Winner will be announced April 30th (TOMORROW)......
Good luck to all who enter and I'll catch up with you all again later.
Toodles for now and happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Awesome stamps Lorraine!!!!I looooove cats(and I have 2) Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
    I hope to win them :)
    Thanks and welcome to my blog(I have candy too :)

  2. OOOO, my...again? I'm in, of course. Thanks for the chance.

  3. very nice hun so generous i would love to be in your draw, have a lovely day xxx

  4. So gorgeous candy, love to win it! Hugs,moni

  5. Very nice stamps

  6. Awwe sooo Cute thanks for the chance
    hugs Nikki C

  7. Ooh like these puss cats my friend. Love and hugs Cynthia x

  8. Lovely, cute stamps, just love the hedgehog one. Thanks for the chance to win them. Hugs Christine x

  9. Wow lady you have been on a CANDY SPREE!!!!! Wish me LUCK

  10. Great! I appreciate the chance for this!

  11. I would love to give them a good home! Caroline x

  12. Ohhh, these are cute. Just love the Hedgehogs! Can't wait:)

  13. Not sure if this is too late, I am still trying to catch up on posts following my son being in hospital for an appendectomy. Please just delete if it is.
    Kim xXx
