Sunday 25 April 2010

Candy Giveaway No 3... CLOSED


Sorry about failing to post yesterday folks but ended up with unexpected visitors.
However, I have managed to find another little something to put up for grabs today... this time around it's a pack of pins... 6 different colours, 5 of each colour so there are 30 in total... and they have pretty little flower heads on them.
If you fancy a chance at winning them the rules are simple...
1. You must have an active blog.
2. Leave a comment on this posting.
Winner will be drawn on April 30th.
Off now to give one of my bunnies a bath... he's been a little poorly so got a bit of a dirty bum... can't be having my baby smelling so in the tub he is going.... lol then a quick bite of dinner before my step daughter arrives with her boyfriend.. need to squeeze in a few more invitations before bedtime too....
Will have another rummage tomorrow again and see if I can come up with any more goodies to give away but until then I will bid you a fond farewell and a very good night...
Toodles for now and catch you all tomorrow again.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Oh I`d love to win those pins.. I don`t have any and never used anyone!! so that would be awesome!!!
    Thanks for the chance!!!!

    I have posted a pic on the sidebar linking back to your blog!


    Vivi from Brazil

  2. I've never seen pins like those before....and such a cute little container...Thanks for all of the inspiration that you give

  3. Such a beautiful flowered dress I never saw! Who's been to my blog:

  4. These are great, love to win it! Hugs, moni

  5. another great blog candy Lorraine. Love Cynthia x

  6. Oooh these pins are beautiful would love to win them.
    Kim xXx

  7. Such Pretty Pins thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C

  8. These pins look great. Thanks for a chance to win them!

  9. Very colorful-I would love those pins.
