Thursday 11 March 2010

Where am I today....

Yes folks I'm out and about on the jaunt again with some more workshops and demos. This time I'm in the beautiful city of Dundee.
This morning I will be doing speedy 20 minute workshops with a craft group called the Crafty Dodgers (they're all as mad as a hatter), and this afternoon I will be demonstrating in Burns & Harris. Lots of lovely goodies to be played with and bought of course if you are a customer... hmmm... and just for good measure I'm taking some Jammy Dodgers along too for everyone to nibble on...
May also have some exciting news for you all over the next few days if all works out well... hope to spill the beans later... oh the suspence of it all... lol
Righty ho, I'm definately not at home when you read this as I left the house this morning at 6am so all I can say is... have a great day.... I know I will.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx
P.s. Remember to enter the candy giveaway... x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine, you have been a busy girl. I'm trying to WRI competition stuff to do. But got something to post last. Love what you've been showing us this week....just not had time to tell you!

    Kat xx
