Monday 8 March 2010


1 8" x 8" Chipboard Album
6 sheets of sentiment tags
12 Elegant Rectangles
20 scalloped oval mounts
Sweet Tooth Card Candy
Morning everyone and it sure is good to be back in blogland again... even though I always hit a down period once the shows are over... you get so much of a buzz when you are working at them but hey ho... just need to wait on the next one I guess...
Thank you to everyone who stopped by the stand to say hi to Kath & myself... many a good old laugh has been had this weekend... and a few embarrassing moments also... a few jokes were shared over Kath's slippers & my tights... sorry folks... but they are too embarrassing to share... I've also been told this weekend that I'm very different in real life to what I portray on my blog... hmmm... wonder if I'm hiding myself too much.... no it's normally just that I'm dashing about from pillar to post and back again... For those who have not met me yet... I am not a really stuffy, straight faced person at all... I am infact a bit of a nutcase, mad as a hatter, never shut up and love nothing more than a good old laugh... trust me... just ask anyone who has met me and they will confirm they have seen the evidence... (tights included)...
Well today I have to batter on with work again... my house is a complete dump as my dear hubby thinks that because he washes some dishes, feeds the animals and hoovers up once that he's taken care of the house for me... what a laugh eh!!!! Came home to a pile of dirty dishes yesterday, washing basket is overflowing, kitchen worktops need a scrubbing with bleach and a good old fashioned gutting is more or less required. In addition to that I have a pile of samples to make and workshops to organise for my visit to Dundee on Thursday. If you happen to live close to Dundee then please pop along and see me... in the morning I will be doing workshops and attending the local craft group (The Crafty Dodgers) then after lunch, I will be found at Burns & Harris, 97 - 99 Commercial Street, Dundee. Please do pop along if you get the chance as it is going to be a fun filled day.
Oh well... guess I best sign off now and get my bum in motion else I'll just want to sit around all day doing nothing... but before I go here's the rules for entry into the candy giveaway...
Didn't manage to get much shopping done at the SECC (working & playing too hard)... but did manage to grab a few things for a candy giveaway as pictured above....
To enter the candy giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment on this posting... giveaway will run for a week and I will announce the winner next Tuesday.
Good luck to all.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Glad you had a fab time at the SECC-saw some piccies on Kath's blog and it looks like fun was had by all! Thanks for the chance to win the candy! Hugs, Rowena

  2. Hi Lorraine, welcome back to blogland. It was great to meet you and Kath yesterday. So far I have wasted the entire morning. I have looked at my new stuff, taken off packaging, put some past and wondered where to hide...oops I mean put the rest. Lucky I opted for a day off today. But I really need to get some cards made for Wednesday for a WRI competition. Wouldn't be so bad but one card is needed for a co-operative entry and I'm sure the other girls will have done their knitting, cake decorating etc. And I really meant to give them a choice of card in case I made one and it didn't fit the colour scheme or perhaps no-one liked it lol!
    Thanks for the chance to win candy.

    Kat xx

  3. Thanks so much for all of the wonderful goodies that you are giving away!

  4. Nothing better than lots of new stash to play with. Welcome back.

  5. Well I have just seen Kath's slipper and I say if they make you comfy go for them but then there is the issue of your tights, perhaps we had better not go there lol. Sounds like you had a blast though. Don't work too hard on the cleaning unless of course hubby is watching and can learn a few tricks.
    Kim xXx

  6. Hi Lorraine,

    Sounds like you and Kath had a fab weekend from reading both your blog posts today, glad the weekend went well the stand looked fab from Kaths photos...

    I'd love to be entered in your candy draw too hun

    Emma xxx

  7. Hi Lorraine,

    Great that you had a fab time at SECC ... never been there, it's to far for me ... but i'm sure it was great !!! Love to read all your stories.

    Thanks for the chance to win this candy !!!


  8. hello stranger, I found you again via Kath's blog - I bet you pair are an absolute scream together.
    My other half was offshore yet again for the SECC show, but have worked out his rota and he'll be home for the one in October woohoo
    What a shame you didn't get any shopping done, guess thats the down side of working.
    hope you're well quine

  9. Welcome back Lorraine. Sorry did not get down to see you this time but am going to be at NEC. Love Cynthia x

  10. Lorraine, it really was a delight to meet you and you are definitely not stuffy - brilliant, hilarious. As for the tights well...I'll say no more, lol. Can't wait for next time and thanks for your lovely comments
    Suzanne x

  11. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! As for husbands, well, what do you do with them? At least he did something, right?!?

  12. Glad you and Kath had a great weekend. I follow Kaths blog everyday so I am now going to follow yours aswell. Thanks for the chance of some great blog candy

  13. You were soooo busy when I dropped past to see you, then I was soooo busy shopping as usual I ran out of time to come back...husbands/partners/son's...oh dont get me came from the same cabbage use they have is to carry the shopping bags at craft for the chance to win your candy...hugs Jackie xx

  14. Wow! How I've missed reading about all of your craft adventures! I just signed in for the first time since October. I'm back now and I need to read more of what you've been up to. :)

  15. I can only imagine what you and Kath got up to - but I bet there was never a dull moment :-) Great that you both had a good time and nice that you had chance to work together again.

    My hubby sounds very similar to yours - at least they do try though :-)

    Thanks for the chance at the goodies.

    Take care xxx

  16. hi hun xx wow..this candy looks so yummy..hope im not to late xx
    if not thanks for the chance ill spread the word on my candy sidebar xx

    So glad you & kath had a great cant wait to meet the both of you at the so excited speak soon hugs clare xx
