Sunday 14 March 2010

Sakura & Stampboard !!!

Morning folks... hope you all slept well & are ready for another wonderful day... for a little change I thought I'd share with you one of the samples I've made recently... incorporating an old favourite of mine... can't remember the last time I played with it though... stampboard.
Now as we know not everything will work well on the surface of stampboard & very often you have to ensure your finished masterpiece is all sealed so that there is no transference... well... I may have found a solution for you all so that you too can make quick pieces of work without the need for sealing.
For this sample I used a black base card, upon which I layered some lovely Joanna Sheen backing paper... next up I took another piece of the same black card cut into a smaller layer again, edged with a silver Calligraphy pen & attached to the card. See all quick & simple so far eh... right here comes the difficult part... ha ha... I'm only kidding... this part is quick & simple too.
Take a piece of stampboard & cover completely with silver calligraphy pen... as this pen has a wide nozzle it only takes a few strokes & less than a minute to dry. Next up use a stamp of your choice, ink up with staz on & stamp onto your chipboard... see... nothing a beginner couldn't do... and finally to colour the image I used a selection of coloured pigma micron pens.. I scribbled a small amount onto the area I wanted to colour & spread out using a Koi water brush. Do this all over to complete the image & then allow a few minutes to dry. Now all you have to do is attach it to the front of the card using silicone glue.
Voila... simple as pie... and I hope that those of you out there who still have some stampboard hidden away at the back of drawers etc will give this project a try as it really is fun with endless possibilities.
Calligraphy & Pigma Micron Pens @ Markingworld
Have a great day & be back again soon... maybe today... maybe tomorrow...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely, Lorraine. Like that wee image
    Suzanne x
