Thursday 4 March 2010

Sakura Shadow

Evening all... yes that's me back home after a lovely day at the SECC & big thanks to all who came to visit me on the stand... and to those whom I never got to say goodbye to...
Anyway, I gave you a little sneeky preview of a card the other day... now here is the full card for you to see... background paper is from Joanna Sheen... images if I am correct are Inkadinkadoo... the images are water coloured using Sakura gold shadow pens with a gold calligraphy pen around the image edge... let's not forget the addition of a few wee gems to finish off...
Well I'm off to organise some dinner now then I may manage to get a little study done as it's been weeks since I've had time to even look at my books & my final essay is due to be completed within the next ten days.... gasp.... not quite sure when I'm actually going to fit in the composition of it but needs must so it will be done by hook or by crook... lol....
Will schedule a little post for the morning so you're not neglected.
Happy crafting one & all.
Love Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we never got to gab time :D We stopped by to say bye but you were knee deep gabbing for Scotland and we didn't want to interupt you lol. Was fab seeing you again, take care.
