Friday 26 February 2010


Just little old me here, finally managing to get a minute to myself to log in to my faithful blog... and thank you to Mr Blogger for publishing all my posts on time whilst I was away enjoying myself...
Stitches.... well what can I say apart from AWESOME.... it was a fabulous experience and the worst part is I have to wait so long again before the next one comes around...
We arrived on Saturday morning, had some breakfast, checked in etc then headed off to the NEC to do set up which we managed to accomplish by around 4pm so it was pretty good going... Then back to the hotel & up into the executive lounge for a couple of hours chilling before heading down for dinner. Sadly I had to part company around 9.30pm as I was exhausted... was up at 4am... so off to bed I toddled for some much needed rest.
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday followed the same guidelines... up for breakfast then off to the NEC for a full day demoing, then back to the hotel & spent the rest of the night either in the restaurant stuffing our faces or in the bar socialising.... what a hard time we had eh.... lol.
It was lovely to meet everyone although I didn't get a chance to speak to the lovely Joanna Sheen or Leonie when they were around as it was just too busy at my table... perhaps next time though.
Well I got back late on Tuesday night, a little worse for wear, but nothing that a day's rest wouldn't fix... but... by lunch time on Wednesday the phone was ringing with orders for a rush job. Samples required for a live TV show on Saturday so that meant they had to go in the post yesterday... wow... 24 hours is not a great deal of time is it... Fortunately I had some cards which we used at the NEC & I managed to make some more in time for posting yesterday. However, before that order was even completed, in came the next one for more samples for another show which will be airing next Wednesday so I'm back to square one and it's heads down, scissors to the ready & off I go... have from now until first thing Monday morning when they have to be packaged up & off in the post.
After the rough time we've had of it lately I so happy that work is coming my way & hubby can't possibly say a thing about the mess I'm creating can he... after all dear, it's WORK..... lol.
Now I could sit here for hours going on & on but I'm sure I would end up boring you all & apart from that I need to push on with the samples so I'll be popping in & out over the next few days filling you in with all the details so please bear with me.
There was a huge development occurred over the weekend so I will pop a post up later this evening giving you details of it all so please do check back.
Love, hugs & kisses
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow - you busy thing you. Great to hear that you had a good time. I am intrigued about your huge development - so will be back later to check.

    Georgie xxx
