Tuesday 2 February 2010


Well... I received a text from Gayle this morning with an update on baby Maya so had to share it with you all... unfortunately I was hoping that my next communication with her would include some photos etc but not the case I'm afraid.
Gayle has been at the hospital for almost 30 hours now with Maya... she took what appeared to be some kind of fit the other night & her colour was changing so she was rushed to hospital via ambulance... She is currently in Neonatal I.C.U awaiting test results but at the moment they are unsure what is wrong with her...
Please send your thoughts out to all the family today in the hopes that Maya can return home soon... as soon as I receive any more update I'll pass it on but obviously at this moment in time Gayle has much more pressing things on her mind.
Take care all


  1. How scary, I read later she is home again now, thank goodness.

  2. Oh bless them having an epileptic son myself I know how frightening these things can be. I hope they can get to the bottom if it very soon. My love to all the family.Kim xXx
