Sunday 31 January 2010

Baby has been named....

Morning folks...
Have just received a little text message from a very tired new mummy... Gayle... she is thankfully back in the comfort of her own home now, although she has to go back to hospital today just for some checks to be done... still better than lying in a hospital bed though...
Mum & baby are doing fine & dandy so now I just have to give them a little time to settle back in at home before I rush over to see the gorgeous new addition to the family... I'm so excited... lol..
Anyhow... mum won the battle over the baby's name and here it is....
Is that not just the cutest name... now I know that some of you out there have been waiting in line with me for her grand arrival so we could get on with making our new arrival cards... so there's no reason for you to hold off any longer... lol... if anyone needs a note of Gayle's address, drop me an email & I'll be more than happy to give it to you.
Pop over to her blog also & leave your own message of congratulations, but I'm not sure quite when she'll get a chance to catch up with them all... you know Gayle though... Mrs Efficient always so I don't imagine it will take her long to find a routine.
Will pop back later with a little creation but this announcement was more important.


  1. Thanks for updates Lorraine a beautiful name. I can go shopping now *BIG GRIN* Have a smashing day honey.

  2. What a sweet post, I know this baby stuff is right up your alley of expertise!!
