Wednesday 27 January 2010

1 down & 1 to go...

I would say good morning everyone but heck it's almost lunch time already.... where does the day go... if by any chance anyone does have the correct answer to that question, please let me know... lol
Dashing around as per the norm in this household... housework & washing done... animals tended to.... dealing with the bathroom.... waiting on Tesco to arrive with my weekly shop and now have to do a speedy check on some other products...
However... I have also had to throw together a very quick card this morning for my mum to give to a friend... don't have it downloaded yet but I will later on (this is my one down) & hopefully I'll also get another one done which is for my friends' little girl who will be 2 next week (that's my one to go)... so you never know... I may well manage to download 2 cards in 1 day which would be a miracle for me right now... lol
Well enough chat for now if I've to achieve all my goals for I'll say toodles for now & I'll be back later...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wish I did know where the time went. Finished a DT card for Just Cute Bears after work, took photo and posted it, wrote a scheduled post for my own blog for Sunday as we are going to my daughter's in Crieff on Saturday. Then Tesco came just before teatime. So what happened to my afternoon? And I still have nothing to show on my blog lol!

    Take care, Kat xx
