Monday 21 December 2009

My wee mammies birthday

Morning folks... long time no speak.... lol
Well it's my wee mammies birthday today so I'm up nice & bright & early to get a load of stuff done so I can spend some time with her later.
It's been a rather white weekend here... oh yes... we've had snow probably like most of the rest of the country going by what the news is saying.
Amidst all the snow & house cleaning this weekend, I've also managed to make about 60 cards... with a little help from the Nitwit collection that is... I am completely new to digital card making so it's a learning experience for me, but I'm getting there.
Promise I will do my best to get the dust blown off of the old camera later & see if I can get some piccies uploaded.
Hope you all had a fab weekend & by this time next week we'll all be prepping for New Year... gosh how time flies eh!!!
Happy crafting

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