Thursday 26 November 2009

I am still alive...

Morning folks... I so can't believe it's been a whole week since I was last on my blog... time has just been flying by.
What have I been up to in my absense... well, I'm in the middle of making up samples for 4 different shops so battering on the old brain cells there.... helping Rob with his admin work at the office..... had another xray taken on Fri at the hospital & as always need to wait for 10 days before I get the results from my GP.... and finally I've had my wee head stuck in my OU course work also.
I'm so loving my Psychology course & it's actually very addictive... the other night I found myself sitting on the sofa at 3am practising my mind maps... oh yeah... never worked with them before in my puff but my tutor recommended that I give it a go as I've also used Linear Notes in the past but she finds them to be rather lengthy & time consuming... well I must admit I think she has a very good point there & the mind maps seem to be working super duper for me at the moment. I only have another few weeks though before I have to start working on my first assignment which is a 1000 word essay... hmmmm... this could be the tricky part as I haven't written an essay for over 20 years... just have to stay calm & do the best I can.
How many of my Christmas cards do I have made.... well let me see... all of 2 me thinks... it's been a bit of a whirlwind in this old house of late so I must admit that the other week I gave in & purchased a set from QVC.... something I don't use is Kanban but it makes for quick & easy cards so that will work wonders this year... I do have to admit that the quality is super, designs are lovely & I'll be able to batter 100 cards out in no time (once I get a day to do it that is).... lol.
Righty ho.... I'm off now to do some more work but I promise I will come back later & post a picture or two...
Hope everyone is having a fab time in blogland at the moment & looking forward to the very quickly approaching Christmas... oh I bought a new tree too so will let you have a wee nosey at that later on too.
Big crafty hugs to one & all


  1. Busy, busy busy! I had to do a mind map with work for the first time, I found it a great help and made me really think about things that I probably wouldn't have considered. Ah - but I suppose that's why it's called a mind map eh!

    I will keep my fingers crossed that this x-ray shows some improvement and hope you have fun when you get chance to bash out those cards!

    Take care
    Georgie xxx

  2. I bet once you start writing that essay 1000 words won't be enough lol. Glad your enjoying the course.
