Tuesday 13 October 2009

Fireplace Mishap!!!!!

Well I started off yesterday all ready to get my new back panel in place on my fireplace but whilst sliding it in I had nicked the paintwork at the bottom.... out came the old blade to tidy it up before continuing... now this is where it all began....
Oh yes... when I tried to take off the little chip marks... the paint just came away.... you see my fireplace used to be waxed so although the paint had dried it was not really attached underneath... what does this mean.... well it meant I had to strip every piece of paint off of my fireplace yesterday... hell it took about 6 or 7 hours... but not one to be defeated... I won in the end... finally managed to sit my bum down around midnight last night.
Thankfully today I only have a little work to do before I can actually attach my back panel in place then I can take a break from it until I decide what I am now going to do with the fireplace itself... although I do having a feeling it's going to be either stained or varnished.

Can you believe that this is the remains of my handy work from about 10 years ago.... one thing you can't say is that it didn't stand the test of time... lol

See ya all soon



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