Saturday 10 October 2009

Buddy update...

Good morning all... thought I would give you a quick update on Buddy as I never managed to do it last night.
Got him home from the vet around 6pm last night & was going to put him straight in his cage so that he could just chill out... poor wee thing was so stressed.... but when I took him out he went everywhere... still under the effects of anaesthesia... so back out he came so he didn't injure himself. Onto the sofa we went for some major cuddling in then after about an hour I tried him on the floor to see how he was... not too bad & he made his way to a spot where he just lay flat out for the next hour... after this we had a little hop around for a half hour before going to bed.
He is doing well this morning & has been eating & drinking which is a very healthy sign.... might be fun later though as he has medication to get & I don't think he's going to appreciate me sticking syringes in his mouth... oh well... has to be done.
Now I'm off to get ready as have to go into the office with Rob for a few hours & then hopefully I can have an hour or two later on to make something.
Have a great day

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