Friday 25 September 2009


Heck I so cannot believe the time right now... I've been on the go since 9am yet it's one of those days where I don't feel like I have really achieved anything.
However... I have done my good duty for the day...although I have not managed to make any cards.. I did do my friend a massive favour.
You may have seen me mention about my friend who lives next to me.. she has a little boy & girl who call me auntie Lorraine... both adorable may I add... well 6 years past in July they had their first little boy (Adam) who sadly died when he was only 7 days old.. hospital blunder... which made things worse as my friend was a radiographer in the same hospital & her husband is a GP.
Obviously they still miss their little boy dearly & sometimes my friend just cannot go to the cemetary to visit him... that's where auntie Lorraine comes in... she is currently going through one of these periods so today she asked if I could go visit him... not a problem I said... so off I toddled to the cemetary for a nice relaxing hour... I'm one of those who always find it very peaceful & a place to clear my head... they had just cut the grass so I washed all his headstone down so it's lovely & clean again.. cleaned all his little ornaments & night lights, removed his old flowers & gave him lovely fresh white & lilac chrysanthymums. At least now if she decides to go visit it will all look lovely & fresh for her.
Whilst there I toddled over to Dads & my brothers graves too... yet more scrubbing & fresh flowers for them too...
Now when my Dad died he was buried next to an old lady & I often spoke with her husband when he was tending her grave... funny thing was he knew my dad & in the beginning this old man said many kind words to me that help make bad days good... well unfortunately this old man passed away last year & is buried along with his wife... so what did I do... oh yes you may well have guessed... they had a good old scrub & polish too... if anyone had actually watched me today they would probably have thought that I was bonkers... hmmm well perhaps I am... but I'll leave you to be the judge of that...
Right I'm off again to organise dinner this time... hubby has kindly agreed to me ordering a Chinese so yippee no pots & pans for me tonight...
See you all tomorrow again


  1. If you are ever in South Africa, please give me a call! I used to spend hours at my mom's grave, but my dad kept asking what I thought I would find there. Since he passed away 10 months after my mom. I have not been able to bring myself to vivit them. I have bought flowers, driven the 100km. to Pretoria only to turn around at the gate and come home. And you think you are bonkers!
    What an amazing friend you are.

  2. Bless you! You're going to heaven for sure! I cannot imagine how devasting it must be to lose your baby at 7 days old, you tidying up the grave and visiting is a lovely thing to do and it'll be nice when/if she's able to go:)

  3. You are bonkers luv...
    But, in a VERY GOOD way...
    Love ya
    G x

  4. Aww, you're so lovely for doing that. It fair brought tears to my eyes. Bless your cotton socks.

    Chris xx
