Monday 3 August 2009

Today's Events

Now after posting details of today's blog candy & yesterday's winner, shipping out the weekends orders, housework etc... my friend arrived for a visit with her little girl Tia who is 18 months & boy did we have a laugh.... I have never known a child to love cheese as much as she does & let me tell you that for her age she certainly has a big appetite... next up my mother arrived for her daily visit too... popped to the shops then time to organise dinner.
Well now that all is done with the exception of feeding the animals I'm going to have a little crafty play tonight... ohhhh decisions, decisions, decisions.... we have Penny Black... Pink Elephant or 2 sketches 4 you.... what is a girl to choose.... don't have a clue yet so will just be going with the flow.
Hope you've all had a look at what's up for grabs as today's CANDY & remember to check back tomorrow to see what else I am giving away.
In the meantime....
Goodnight, God bless & Happy crafting...
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy day Lorraine.
    Did you finally choose a challenge?
    Anne x
