Tuesday 18 August 2009

My Friend's Adopting.....

Sorry for being MIA the past few days but my friend arrived unannounced the other evening with some wonderful news....
Sadly a few years back her & her husband lost 2 children within a year of each other at (both lost around the 6mth mark), this was very difficult for them to deal with as you can imagine & afterwards they had a lot of tests etc carried out. The end result was that the medical profession do not think she is able to carry a child past this mark so they recommended that they stop trying.
Well 2 years ago they applied for adoption & after all the training etc they were required to attend on her 40th birthday last November they went in front of the panel & were approved for adopting.
Last Wednesday was a big day for them as Social Services interviewed them in relation to a baby girl they have & on Friday they received a call to advise them that all workers concerned feel this is a perfect match & they will now have to appear before the panel again on Sept 21st for them to approve the match. All being well this will happen & hopefully by mid October they will be able to bring a beautiful little girl into their home whom they can call their own.
Fingers crossed, saying my prayers & will let you know at a later date what happens...
So thus she has just returned home today & I will now get back to my crafting... naughty old me has had the last few days off socialising.... tut, tut, tut....
Hope to be back soon


  1. What a lovely story, I hope it all works out for them.

    Cazzy x

  2. I have goose bumps just reading this! Your friend is in my thoughts!

  3. oh how lovely for your friends Lorraine. Hope it all goes smoothly for them - they must so excited.

    ann xxx

  4. Heart warming news Lorriane. Hope all runs smoothly for your buddy
    Anne x

  5. AWWWWW Lorraine thats just fantastic news....Please give your friend all my love and best wishes...I know how hard the adoption process is and how lucky this little girl would be to have dedicated parents to love her...Ive got everything crossed for them too...keep us posted...hugs Jackie xx

  6. fabulous news for your friends!! I wish them all the best :o)


    Amanda xx

  7. That's wonderful news Lorraine, fingers crossed it does happen in October.

    Have a good day

    Jan x

  8. Oh Lorraine how wonderful for them, I really hope it all works out for them. I can't imagine how it must feel to loose one baby at that time of pregnancy let alone two and then be told not to have anymore but at least this has given them another chance at happiness.
    Fantastic news.
    Kim xXx

  9. Hope all goes well for your friend. I too have been MIA!

  10. Hi Lorraine me again - there's an award for you on my blog.

    You've probably had it before - now worries if you have.

    Ann xxx

  11. fantastic news for your friends I hope all goes well for them
    best wishes
    Anne-marie x
