Wednesday 12 August 2009

Mr Blogger...

Whilst I'm sitting here typing this message I'm wondering if I am actually just wasting my time this morning...
From around tea time last night I couldn't manage to get logged into my account so ended up saying stuff that... and thought I'd just leave it till the morning & catch up with some blog hopping then.
Now can you guess what has happened this morning?
Granted I have finally managed to log into my account & moderate comments... but that took me almost a half hour to achieve... in addition to that it is telling me that I do not currently follow any other blog!!!! Yikes.... how am I supposed to see who has & hasn't been creating...
Now I'm taking a chance with publishing this post... will it work or will it no....
Anyone else experiencing these problems just now?
I will do my best later on to upload some pics but if I fail, then you know the reason why.
Last night I spent some time cutting out rubber stamps for my next demo & am going to be playing with them today... good thing being they are christmas based so perhaps it will get me in the mood & I can start designing my own cards for this year... nice & early...
Last year was a bit more last minute due to my operation & I myself admit they were very basic.. but at least I still made them myself & I knew everyone would understand.
Ok dokey... time for me to shut up now & see if I can get this post published.. fingers crossed.
Hope to see you all later.


  1. Hi Lorriane I am having the same probs, it is showing that I follow no blogs and it is taking an age for blogger to connect me to any blogs. What a pain!!!. Hope you enjoy playing with the new Xmas stamps dear they are fabulous to colour, thanks for your really kind comments on my work hun
    Hugs Jacqui x

  2. Reading you loud & clear Lorraine so hope you get sorted. I've had that with my followings, every now & again it tells me I'm not following any blogs but the list always comes back again, even if I need to log in & out a few times.

    Take care

    Jan xx

    p.s. thanks again for my lovely papers which arrived this morning - they're fab! xx

  3. Hi Lorraine,
    I think lots of people are having the same problems. I couldn't get to my blog last night and today my readers list has gone from my dashboard. Mr Blogger is a real prankster!
    Have a lovely day.

  4. Hi Lorraine, I'm back again. I have something on my blog for you.
    Clare x

  5. Hmmm, how frustrating, hopefully blogger issues are now all fixed up!
