Tuesday 21 July 2009

Hello Again....

Well it feels like forever since I have last posted on here... it has been almost a week!
What a week it turned out to be.. had swollen glands & raging temperature from which I have now developed the cough from hell along with a lovely runny nose & the occassional sneezing fit. Not that I intend to let any of that stop me in my tracks.
Most of the last week was spent prepping for Saturday's demo (which Alison very kindly came along to visit me at... thank you honey) and at the same time I was finishing off a large Christening order. Order complete, demo by with so what am I looking to do this week?
Well I have to upload some more stock on the old ebay shop, do some sorting out in the craft room, really must catch up with everyone's blogs & since I am so poorly ill....LOL.... think I will have to spend a few hours each day crafting... well it is the perfect remedy to cure all illness is it not....
Already been on to some challenges & got a list to hand so guess I better get the housework done so I can get on with the crafting... and hopefully I'll be back to normal blogging mode now.
Hope you are all keeping well & I will try to catch up with everyone over the coming week.
Happy crafting

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