Sunday 5 July 2009

Another Sunday... Another Week

Yes I know it's been a long time & I have been trying my best but life has just gotten in the way over the last week.
Mum & her hubby don't keep the best of health & this week we've had Social Services out almost every day installing equipment for them like hand rails etc so most of my time has been spent there helping them out.
I have managed to get my hands on a new triple CD & rubber stamps for a demo I am due to do but cannot reveal all just now... perhaps in a few days I can. However, I will say I love them.
I've just been & checked out the challenges again & now I'm off to make a start as it is Sunday night after all & I think I've earned a nice night of crafting.
Am missing you all so much as I've been such a bad blogger of late due to circumstances outwith my control. Better luck for the coming week though eh!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs, sounds like your life is as manic as mine at the mo. Hope everything changes for the best for both of us soon. Keep the chin up, Karen xoxo
