Monday 29 June 2009

A week of sunshine....

Well I so hope to be back in the world of bloggers this week as I've just been so short of time lately that I haven't gotten any real challenges done & definately no blog hopping.
Now with temperatures due to soar this week what a good excuse for me to be at home.
I do have some legal business to do for my mum & her husband this morning but hopefully that will be done & dusted by 1pm, then I can come home & get caught up.
Keep your fingers crossed for me that I have no more hospital or doctor appointments to attend over the next week or two.... I'm becoming quite a pro at this sitting in waiting rooms patiently... lol....
Hope to see you all again late afternoon or so.
Happy crafting

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing some of your scrummy creations.
