Tuesday 9 June 2009

Service to resume tomorrow

Hi there all you lovelies out there in blogland...
My sincere apologies as I know it has been several days now since I last posted a card but it's been a bit mad around here.. busy... busy.... busy... so no complaining to be heard.
Anyhow... I am in the process of making a card & just stopped to post this little note so I will definately be uploading a card tomorrow. YIPPEE......
Well I must get back to the old card now & I might even manage to squeeze in the start of another before bedtime.
Happy crafting

1 comment:

  1. aye aye missus, hope you're well - I've shoved your blog in the wrong blog roll on my blog for some reason (did wonder why I was never seeing your updates)
    och well
    have a good day quine
