Sunday 7 June 2009


Oh yes I'm back & do apologise for being M.I.A but was feeling a bit poorly for a few days there... only thing I managed to do craft wise was some colouring in... well that's not true of yesterday. On Friday both Gayle & myself were not doing so good hence we decided to communicate at 9am yesterday morning to make a final decision on whether or not we were going to Artstamps.
Thankfully we both felt a little better & decided to chance it... worst thing that could happen was that we had to turn back... well we made it there & around the fair twice, had lunch & then suddenly almost symultaniously we both wore out. Back to the car we went & back home again before 4pm.
We did have a good time as this is quite a quiet show where you have no problem moving around & getting to see everything. I stocked up on some essentials with a few other bits & bobs thrown in for good measure.
Oh Kath... if you read this... Mr Postie is going to be delivering something to your door... nothing exciting I'm afraid but I do know for a fact that they will be used....
Well that's enough crap from me for just now & with any luck I'll be able to make at least one card today... got a lot of catching up with the challenges to do...
See you all later & happy crafting


  1. hope your feeling better now.... nice to get out though helps with the healing process does crafty shopping lol!!!!hope to see a card or two later tc...hugs sassyx

  2. sorry to hear that you have been feeling yucky and hope you enjoyed the show...yes it's a lot quieter than the SECC and wow I love surprises...can't wait to see what it is....hugs Kath xxxxx

  3. I hope you feel better soon Lorraine, I had a bad day Sunday, had migraine but had to cook roast for 7, go for eye test (not funny with migraine) and try do stuff for the wedding.

    Cazzy x
