Monday 15 June 2009

Gosh I've been quiet

Well folks I must apologise for being so quiet over the last few days but to let you understand I've had curtain poles falling off the walls... live in an 8 yr old house & the walls have been crap since day 1.... in addition to this my mums car is in the garage at the moment so I'm running her around everywhere she needs to go.
I have just had a check at some challenges & will do my very best to enter some tomorrow but will just have to see how the day works out.
Tomorrow you see is the 6th anniversary of my brothers death.
He was tragically killed in a road traffic accident which has left only my Mum & myself (yes we do both have husbands but you know what I mean...)
Well tomorrow I have to take my mum to the cemetary as she has no car & this will be the first time we have gone together... we normally go it alone where we can say what we please but tomorrow I have to be there for her.
As his sister I have come to terms with the fact that he is gone & I just have to accept that... my mum on the other hand has never accepted his death & I'm not sure that she ever will... understandable as parents are not supposed to see their children away.
No matter what I will be there to hold her hand & dry away the tears but the thing that would be happiest of all is if I get to see her smile just once tomorrow.
There is a possiblity of this however, as my nephew (brothers son) called me tonight to discuss coming up for a short holiday & he is going to call her tomorrow... this will make her so happy.
Sorry for all the long story but at least now you know why I've been quiet...
Catch up soon


  1. My thoughts will be with you and your mother today Lorraine,I too have times like this,and when you get to my years its all too frequent,so my prayers will be for you both God Bless Eunice XX

  2. WOW you've had a hectic few days hun, (((((big hugs))))) for today.


    Amanda xx

  3. Keep it together today!
    Speak soon
    S xx

  4. Huge hugs honey keeping you in my thoughts, mwah.

  5. sorry for being away for so long had some issues with my broken leg not healing too well.
    sorry to hear about your brother, sending lots of hugs x x

  6. Hi Sweetcheeks!

    So sorry to hear, and so late...I've been in Wishaw General for a couple of days! Nightmare!
    Text if you need me honey!
    You're in my thoughts..
    G x

  7. hope it all went well for you Lorraine- what a sad time

  8. Hi Lorriane, think you have every right to be a bit quiet at the mo. Hope everthing is alright. Kim

  9. Lorraine, I am so sorry for your loss, I'm sure it feels like it was yesterday. Unfortunately I know your mother's pain . I imagine as a child seeing your mom hurt so deeply has got to be very painful, just be there for her, let her know that it is ok to NOT BE OK.

  10. Leaving you lots of love at this special time hunni!!

    Emma xxx

  11. Oh Lorraine....

    SO SO SORRY, what else can i say,
    my love and thoughts are with you hun....
    Take Care,
    chin up.
    Hugs Angel

  12. Aww Lorraine that's so terrible about your brother - sending hugs...

