Tuesday 23 June 2009

Demo prep time

Sorry I've been missing again for a few days but on Sunday we had all the normal weekend stuff to do like shopping, pets etc & it was gone before we knew it.
Unfortunately on of my friends was also attacked on Sunday... was hit over the face with a scooter & stabbed in the arm... how shocking a place is this world becoming. Used to be you had to do something to provoke an attack... now you just have to be in the wrong place at the wrong time... it really is time that something was done about it all.
Now would you believe that I actually made 2 cards yesterday & was in such a hurry to get them in the post that I forgot to take any pictures.... shocking I know but oh so true.
I did receive word yesterday from a friend of mine that here new website will be up & running this week & trust me you will like this one... it will be full of crafting hints & tips so all will be revealed in a few days... watch this space.
Well I'm off to get my hair cut at 11am and upon my return it's time to get the old head down & stuck into work. I have a demo on Saturday & we have held off until this week to decide what we are going to do. I will be at Ashby Designs in Musselburgh from 10am - 4pm for the shops 1st birthday celebrations & Lynsey who owns the store is nothing less than 1st class with her customers. She has been speaking with them & seeing what they would like for Saturday's demo so the list came in on Friday... all stuff is now in hand & from today onwards it's prep time. It certainly does promise to be a day filled with fun & I will be incorporating some of this weeks challenges with my prep in order to cover both.
Right, better dash now & get ready for my new hair do... back with you all soon (I hope). LOL
Happy crafting

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