Saturday 16 May 2009

Would you believe it ....

Well I am now approx 5 hours down the line from my last posting and where have I been....
Sat on my bum at this computer for the full duration...
Now I have a terrible habit of not clearing my emails on my inbox & today I had over 3500 just sitting there... I know it's shocking...
Well what better excuse to do some blog hopping & clearing my inbox at the same time so that's exactly what I have done for almost 5 hours now.
My inbox is now around 1000 emails lighter.. good job done... only another 2500 to get through & lots & lots of blog hopping done into the bargain...
Hopefully I've managed to visit you already but if not then I will hopefully over the next few days...
Right my eyes are now knocking so off to grab a cuppa & give them a rest before squeezing in some craft before hubby returns from work & it's time to do the shopping...
Hope you're all having a fab Saturday.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Wow Lorraine how many, good for you in getting through a huge amount of them. :0
    Thank yo for taking the time to visit me and leave me a comment - I really appreciate. :)
    Gulp - just read your elc/gas bill post - double wow to that!!! Rather you than me and I am pleased I am not with


  2. Hi Lorraine,wow how many e-mails....thought I was bad but you take the cake this so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment so nice of you,I know what you mean about blog hopping,it's leathal isn't it,bye for now.x

  3. What you like Lorraine LOL enjoy your cuppa.
    Trish (-:

  4. He he Im pleased theres someone else like me out there lol, my computer e mails are making the desk sag lol, hope you have a lovely weekend too hun huggies June xxx
