Wednesday 27 May 2009

Stamp Something Challenge

This is my entry for this weeks challenge over at Stamp Something and I had intended on uploading it yesterday but as the old say goes "if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" well that saying is oh so true in my household at present.
We've been clearing out the last of Rob's high street shops over the last week & yesterday we were doing the final clearing.. you know taking down the blinds, window vinyls etc... well low & behold did he not take a really hard fall direct onto his back. Now for most people this would have been sore but with his spondylitis the pain just ripped through him like a knife.. to add to that he battered his head too! Thankfully we had mostly everything already packed up in the car so I had to get him into the car & home asap. Out came the ice packs & anti inflammatories but I didn't have any strong pain killers so called upon our dear friend who happens to be a GP. Round to the house he came straight away & gave Rob the once over just to check everything was okay & delivered some strong pain killers into the bargain. Thankfully he has just flared his AS up so he's taken the day off work as he's very stiff & sore & will hopefully feel a lot better tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'm being nurse maid & taking care of his every need but he's relatively settled now so I'm keeping fingers crossed I can batter out some more cards this afternoon. YIPPEE...
Well onto my card for the challenge which has been made using Basic Grey papers from the "Sugared" collection, combined with some Cute Companions rubber stamps for the image & sentiment, card candy from Craftwork Cards & a little butterfly from my stash to finish off.
I'm off now to see what challenge I can attempt next... hope to see you all soon.
Happy crafting


  1. Ji Lorraine!
    this stamp is really cute! and your card is adorable!

  2. Hi Lorraine new to your Blog and i must say this card is stunning. Its so cute and coloured in beautifully.

    I shall pop on your followers list.


  3. This is adorable, I just love this image and the card is so lovely.

  4. A really cute card Lorraine, hope your hubby is feeling better soon

    Jan xx

  5. What a wonderful card! Love the background paper and the cute image! Hope Rob is feeling better! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  6. what a delish the cute image and those gorgeous papers and you certainly don't need any more bad luck....Big Hugs Kath xxxx

  7. Aww, how cute is that image? Loving those papers and the colour scheme, Lorraine. Sweet!! :o)

    Chris xx

  8. Gorgeous sweet card Lorraine!
