Tuesday 12 May 2009

Stamp Something Challenge

Back to the good old challenges we go folks and first up today is a card for Stamp Something, where the challenge this week is to create a "Pink Birthday Something".

What better time to delve into my new QVC kit I thought, so off I went.
The base card is a sheet of patterned paper from the kit attached to a plain base card. Then I used the sticker alphas for the greeting and added dots using a Sakura glaze pen. I also highlighted the flowers with a black glaze pen which was a big mistake... should have used a fine detail pen instead but hey... it's done. In the centre of the large flower I attached one of the chipboard pieces from the kit & finally good old Messy Rabbit in the centre holding her bloom... all be it an orange sunflower! Messy has been coloured with Sakura glaze pens.
Most of the housework is done now & the bed linen is on the washing line drying so next up on the agenda... I have some bunny cages to clean & also a dirty bunny bum... when the weather is hot like this they don't like to move around a lot & boy... I've got 2 who just lie & poop so now I have to don the marigolds & get stuck into bathing a bunny... trust me you would not believe how wet I will be by the end of it all.
Once that's done I can get back to my crafting again & then hopefully the weather will stay nice & it will be a BBQ for dinner tonight... a little mid week treat as it's Rob's birthday tomorrow.
Enough from me now... hope you're all having fun & see you again soon.


  1. Hi Lorraine,
    The first thing about your card I noticed was the black outlining and I thought 'wow, that looks great!'.
    Gorgeous card - I've got this kit and have used it loads.
    Happy crafting.
    Clare x

  2. Lovely card Lorriane - I agree about the black outline on the flowers though. I thought it was only me who did daft things like that lol
    Rather you than me with the bunnies!!!
    Anne x

  3. Hello, my darling! :o)

    I hope you're doing well now? Looking back through the blog, you've been very prolific, so I hope that means you're fighting fit and thriving!

    Best wishes with your Funky Hand application.. As an ex-Funky Hand DT member, I can tell you they are all a great bunch, and Anice is the nicest DT boss ever! Not to mention having great products to use, of course! (Have you SEEN the latest wordbook CD? Wow!)

    Anyway, toots.. thanks for the visit. Talk soon.

    Chris xx

  4. Ooooh.... so sweet and beautiful!!!!


  5. Hi Lorraine its good to be back in blog land and see your beautiful creations again. Beautiful card and I love Messy Rabbit so cute.
    Hugs Linda

  6. gorgeous card and this kit is fantastic...it just goes on and on and on...have fun with the bunny bum cleaning....Hugs kath xxxxx

  7. I have left you something on my blog.
    Hugs Linda

  8. Fab card Lorraine.You're making great use of your kit.It last for ages.I've still got loads left.
    Cass xxx
