Friday 15 May 2009

Soap Powder or Hot Chocolate

Seeing as this is a time of economic crisis, what better to do than come up with some money saving ideas for storage.
So far I have a soap powder box the kind that contains the tablets & I also have a large & a small hot chocolate tub... perfect storage containers I think for on the craft desk but not in their current condition. They are badly in need of a makeover before being fit enough to enter the craft room & join all the other smart goodies.
I've not yet decided which one to start with so if you have a preference please let me know.
Barring that watch this space to see the end result...
Happy crafting


  1. hi Mrs, I would suggest you go for the chocolate tubs, then you can buy some more and fill your boots. Hope your keeping ok and everyone is happy & healthy. Speak to you soon Karen xoxo
    PS Pop over to my blog to see what I did to Ben, you wont believe it!!

  2. Great ideas! I've saved and thoroughly scoured a few jars that our spaghetti sauce comes in. I'm trying to decide what I can do with them.

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

