Wednesday 6 May 2009

Sakura On Vellum

Here are a few pictures to show what I've been up to today... I have a few female birthday cards to do just now so I fancied using my Sakura pens on vellum as I haven't done this for a while now and I do like the end result.
First of all I traced around some floral designs... although you could just as easily use a rubber stamp image. Then I set about the colouring in process... some done with Glaze & others with Souffle.

This is what my page looked like when all the flowers were coloured in

Here is a close up of one of the flowers once the souffle pen had dried...
Now I have spoken to people in the past who say that this happens & they have binned their work... what a shocking shame as there is simple solution.

Here is a picture of the same flower as above but once the souffle ink had dried I simply went around the design again with a Sakura Pigma Micron Pen. Now we have a complete design again

This is what it all looked like once I had cut all of the flowers out. Doesn't look very much at the moment I know.. especially seeing as it took a good few hours to make them but trust me it is a technique well worth trying... one of the best things about it is that when you use the pens on vellum you create a natural warped effect.. well flowers were never designed to be flat were they... so saves you the effort of trying to shape them.

I'm sure I'll share some cards with you over the coming days which are showcasing these flowers then you can see how pretty they are... if you can't wait that long then watch my cardology/sakura slideshow & you can see for yourself just how lovely these flowers look.

Remember if you need any Sakura products you can purchase them online HERE

Righty ho I'm off to feed & water my bunnies now then get them all shut up for the night as the weather really is quite wintery here today.. pretty breezy & peeing with rain.

See you all tomorrow again.

Happy crafting


  1. Ooh your flowers are lovely, a lot of work has gone into them, but how lovely to have your own stash of gorgeous flowers ready to use now.

    Jan x

  2. Oh I'll have to give these a try, you see I would have been one of those crafters that threw the flowers out lol. Thanks for sharing with us. Donna x

  3. How awesome are those??? Very awesome!
