Tuesday 19 May 2009

Raising funds for Cancer Research

Debbie has designed a new stamp... which has been made especially for the Race For Life....
As the charity event is held next month she has decided to her June.
Now for every stamp sold (only £3)... Debbie will be donating £1.00 direct to Cancer Research so obviously the more she sells the more she raises.
If you feel that you can help by buying one of her June stamps then please pop over to Debbie's blog now & help to make a difference.
You may remember that last year a good friend of both Kath & myself, called Ann, was diagnosed with a serious form of breast cancer and boy did she put up a fight & maintain her sense of humour during all her treatment. Glad to say she is now doing extremely well & has never lost the humour... Well done girl.
This weekend her wonderful husband Stewart will be doing a sponsored Munro climb to raise funds for cancer research. He is part of a 6 man team who will be climbing Buachaille Etive Mhor and to date they have raised almost £2,000. Well done boys.
Please remember that every little counts be it £1 or £100... it all adds up.
Well gotta dash now as I have rather a busy day today & I'll catch up with you all later.

1 comment:

  1. Lorraine thank you so much for adding this post to your blog - i really appreciate it. ;)

