Tuesday 5 May 2009

Production Time

Well I've had a bit of a lazy weekend with Rob having being off work on Sunday & Monday so we just done our best to chill out.
I have been playing around with a few things on an on off basis so I'm off to finish them just now and will come back to post them as well as closing my giveaway & announcing the winner.
Thankfully the house is basically under control so nothing more than a quick 30 minute run around required... which means that I have time to play today. Yippee....
Back with you all shortly
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hun..Glad to hear you and Rob had a lovely few days chilli out.
    And now is back to normall..lol
    can't wait to see what you've been creating...hope you have a lovely day hugs clarex
