Sunday 17 May 2009

Hits not all being counted

I have been suspicious for a few weeks that not all hits on my blog are being counted as there have been times when it's said there are 3 people online yet no change in my stats. Well earlier this afternoon I was showing 22 hits and this evening I had a comment left but funnily enough my stats still showed 22... where had the hit gone... no-where.. apparently I didn't get one. I have now booted up the computer to moderate the comment & my hit has now shown so up to 23. Funny thing is I have been watching this closely as I have noticed that Little Cotton Rabbits has not been getting hits allocated & some of the others are suddenly getting quite a few less hits a day than they did last week.
Has anyone else noticed this change?


  1. Lorraine, I've had this happen on my blog and my counters went back to 0 all of a sudden. It's sad when things don't work as they should but I see I am not alone. Kym xxx

  2. Hi Lorraine,my blog was originally at nearly 14,000 and it zeroed itself,so I had to start all over again from zero.It's a pain.My Feedjit logs all traffic on my blog and where it's coming from.Some leave comments (usually the regulars)and loads don't (either shy or don't like my cards) don't bother too much about it though.
    Cass xxx

  3. Hi babe xxxxx
    they have all been playing up god knows why lolxxx
    hugs Dawnxxx
    Just stopping by to tell you about the exciting new Challenge blog that has just been announced, packed with fresh creative ideas, to be run by myself and Ann (madgesty loves to create). Please stop by the link below and check out the brilliant blog candy on offer and how you can become involved. See you there xxx
    The Next Level.

  4. i havent noticed anything but i dont get that many hits lol, im quite new to it all so dont check to be honest, hope ya get it sorted though
    sandra xx

  5. Mine is still sitting at 2000, which it has been for a month with about 100 comments that can't be right! Don't know what the prob is. Grrr, glad it didn't go back to zero thought!
    Blooming Blogger. Hazelxo

  6. Mmmm have wondered !!!

  7. don't know how accurate these things are...seems to have a mind of it's own....don't pay too much attention to the hits counter or crafty blogs....just as unreliable as Mr Blogger...who is doing my head in today.....Hugs kath xxxxx
