Tuesday 5 May 2009

Fisherman's Delight

Well the day didn't turn out as expected as I ended up with an unexpected visitor which was delightful & also my wee mammy came to visit... haven't seen her for a week as she's had a viral infection & no way I was catching it. Thus I only just managed to give the K&Co coaster to her today & would you believe it she burst out crying.. must be the viral part still playing up in her.. lol... but honestly she was sobbing her wee heart out... you would think I never surprised her with anything!
By the time I had the house back to myself it was almost tea time so the prep began and the evening seems to have flown by.. guess I'll save my stuff for tomorrow with the exception of this. It's simply an image from the "Mens" My Craft Studio CD printed onto a piece of A4 but I thought that if you put it in a frame it would make a cute gift for a fisherman.

Well that's it for me for tonight folks, see you tomorrow again.

Lorraine xxx


  1. Ahh bless your wee mum, she must of been that touched by her present, must make you feel good inside. Donna x

  2. This is SO cute!! Love it.

  3. How cool is he, my husband would appreciate this one. It will make a great gift for any fisherman.
    Kim xXx
