Saturday 9 May 2009

Daring Cardmakers Challenge

Gosh I sure hope you're sat down with a nice cuppa & a biscuit just now as there are lots of pictures in this posting.. and I'm not kidding!

Well the challenge this week over at Daring Cardmakers is something for Mum...
Hell did I not just forget that it is Mothers Day this weekend in America so needless to say that my Mother In Law will be late in receiving her card... I do know that she will forgive me though due to all the crap that has been happening of late.
Needless to say I now feel like the worst DIL in the world so had to make something extra special for her to treasure. You see she is one of those people who truly appreciates the time & effort that is put into her cards & she keeps every single one I ever send...
Alas, what better to make for her than a word book and here it is..
This is the first real embellished word book that I've made & I'm quite proud of it for my first attempt & sure am looking forward to doing many more in future.. thanks must go to Anice at Funky Hand for taking all the hard work out of it though.

Front of book

Inside of book

Left hand page

Right hand page

Next section of book

Left hand page

Right hand page

Back of book
Now basically as I was finishing off I realised I had boobed... what had I done... only just made the book to say MUM instead of MOM.. oh well never mind, these things happen & I'm not about to change it now.
Word book, papers & letters all from Funky Hand
Tags by K&Co
Ribbons, flowers, brads & chipboard embellishments all from stash
Back with another little something later on but in the meantime
Happy crafting


  1. wow hun this is gorgeous and I am sure Rob's mum will adore it even if it says mum instead of mom!!


    Amanda xxx

  2. Oh wow Lorraine, your book is absolutely stunning.
    I’m sure your MIL will forgive you for it being late and the mis-spelling when she sees all the love and hard work that went into making it.
    It’s beautiful.

    Love the Funky Hand papers too!


  3. Just fantastic - She is going to be looking and re-looking at it for hours!

  4. this is gorgeous and Mom is going to love it...and yes it's so easy when Anice does all the hard work
    Hugs Kath xxxx

  5. I think it is fantastic and Rob's mom will love it no matter what!

  6. Wowww Lorriane,what beautiful,l love the image and colour.

    Hugs Riet.x

  7. Gorgeous Lorraine love all your ribbons. Donna x

  8. WOW, this is fantastic and I'm sure she'll love and treasure it - Mum or Mom! :)


  9. This is stunning and I'm sure your MIL will love it. Brill, Enjoy the rest of the weekend

  10. gorgeous Lorraine, you've made a lovely job of it.
    Anne x

  11. How completely fabulous! Such a stunning wordbook that I am sure will be treasured. xxx

  12. Its lovely, Lorrraine, so much work and detail

  13. Oh Lorraine, you have done a fabby job with this word book. I'm sure your MIL will love it. I might give you the basics for the word books but it's your creativity and the love that goes into it that really makes it special.
    Thanks for sharing it.
    Anice xx

  14. Fantastic Work Book Lorraine. Love it! Never done one myself, but you have done a fab job. Louise x
