Saturday 4 April 2009

Sign of the Times

Well I know I said I would be back tonight with another creation but today didn't quite go to plan...
Shortly after posting this morning we got a phone call to say that a set of keys for Rob's office had been stolen... every time you think things can't get any worse.... know what I'm saying...
As a result of this it was all hands to the realm as we had to ensure that nothing had already been stolen, report the theft to police, check with neighbouring businesses, and worst of all we had to call an emergency lock smith to change all the flaming locks on the doors...
By the time all of this was done and the shopping, dinner etc it was finally time for me to make a start on something... so alas I have not finished it yet but it will be ready for upload in the morning...
I will give you a little insight though... yes I'm doing a challenge card & for my first one in weeks I have decided upon Penny Black who's theme this week is Easter....
Well I hope you all had a much better day than I did, although all is fine now that I am sat down to do some crafting.. only thing in this life that keeps me sane I think.
See you all tomorrow again
Lorraine xxx


  1. Flip Lorraine, you need some good vibes girl!

    Cazzy x

  2. oh Lorraine, what rotten luck!
    Anne x
