Wednesday 1 April 2009

Sakura Pens

The other day I was left a comment in relation to water colouring using Sakura pens.. something which I'm sure many of us do on a regular basis without thinking, but this did make me realise that not everyone will have tried it so I have decided to leave this little post with basic instructions on how to use them for anyone who has never tried it before.
1. Take your pen & release some ink onto a piece of acetate.
2. Personally I use a Koi water brush as it has controlled water flow but if you don't have one yet then you can use a normal paint brush. You do not want your brush to be overly wet so have some tissue or kitchen roll to hand for you to dab your brush on.
3. Using your water brush swirl it around in your ink to water it down. Once I have done this I always dry my brush off.
4. Put your water brush back in the ink & you will see it lift onto the brush.
5. Paint your image as you would with anything else.
Most of all.... HAVE FUN.
I hope that some of you may find this information useful and if there are any other questions in relation to Sakura products please feel free to leave a comment & I will respond to you.
You can now purchase all of your Sakura products direct from the UK distributor simply by clicking HERE
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Thanks for the tip Lorraine! I will be having a go later my sakura's are sitting in a pot needing some love. Caroline x

  2. Great tip Lorraine... really need to get me some sukura's. Another thing on my must have list :D
    Chris xx
