Tuesday 7 April 2009

Mr Postie...

Good old Mr Postie has been at my door this morning again.. YIPPEE....
A dark grey plastic bag with unknown handwriting... Hhhhmmmmm
Well when I opened it there was a HOTP pack containing ribbons, buttons, brads & flowers...
Who has sent me this I wonder?
Now there in the bag was a compliment slip from Practical Publishing congratulating me on winning one of their give aways...
I'm one of those people who rarely wins anything so needless to say it put a huge smile on my face & I was so excited that I just had to share the news with you all.. as I'm still in the middle of the housework I haven't managed to take a pic yet but I will do later so I can share my goodies with you.
Hope you're all having a fab day like me.
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine,

    Congrats whit your gift pack !!!
    Enjoy it !!

    Greetings, Peggy
