Thursday 30 April 2009

K&Co Glass Coasters

Okay folks, here are my K&Co glass coasters as promised to you earlier... and boy I know they're not the best photos but no way I could use a flash on these babies so had to use natural daylight & take a picture directly above them to avoid reflections...
All the pictures I have used were taken on my wedding day and you will see they are all wearing my mother's hat as they were actually ripping the p*** out of her.
My opinion on this set is at the bottom of this posting.
Here is my wee mammy acting the proud mother of the bride

This is my nephew William... mums only grandson

This is my neice Hannah-Louise... mums only grand-daughter

This is my step-daughter Brianna... mums adopted grand-daughter

Now the pictures above are not very clear so here is the one I have used of my mum posing on the day

Here is William, my nephew.. think it was actually him who started ripping it out of my mum over her hat and the girls decided to join in the fun...
William was the true gentleman on the day even although he was only 15 at the time.. due to the fact that both my Dad and Brother are dead... I asked William if he would do me the honour of walking me down the aisle & giving me away which he agreed to. He carried out his duty with 1st class style & made us all very proud of him.

This little beauty is my darling neice Hannah whom I never get enough time with.. love having our girly days out shopping when we are together.
On my big day Hannah was 17 and very kindly agreed to act as my Matron of Honour & witness. Like her brother we were all very proud of her & must admit she stole the limelight as she is so camera perfect that everyone was taking snaps of her... always the poser is my darling neice.

Last but by no means least is my wonderfully talented step daughter Brianna.
As you are probably aware by now, Brianna is setting her sights on being an international opera singer & never refuses the opportunity to perform so on our big day she agreed to not only sing during the service but also stood in as best man for her Dad and also witness.
We have a strange way of doing things I know but as Rob's family are all in America & my Dad & Brother are no longer with us we decided that the most precious thing to us would be if we had the blessing of all the children in our family on our day.
Well now that I've shared this with you.. what did I think of the coaster kit...
I would have to say that although this project was quick & easy to complete there are a few flaws that I would like to see ironed out... the first being that the size of the pictures has to be so small.. as you can see the photos within the coasters are not very big at all. Secondly.. when you are attaching your coaster to the sticky felt undermat, you have to judge where the centre is as there are no markings.. this is fine when you are an every day crafter & used to centering but if you chose to do this as a one off then it would not be so easy. Fianlly I would like to see a much better quality of glass being used for the coasters themselves.. you will see in the pictures above that the images are not very clear.. this is not my photography but is infact caused by the glass which also had quite a few bubbles in it.
A nice project to complete and my mother will be over the moon with them but would I invest in more... questionable... think they would have to at least make the glass to higher standards.
Well I at least hope you enjoyed browsing through the pictures & that my review of the project is somewhat helpful to you.
See you all again soon
Love & hugs


  1. Wowww Lorriane,what a beautiful creations.

    Hugs Riet.x

  2. Lovely pics Lorraine & your mum will love the coasters for sure

    Jan x

  3. Lorraine they are fantastic. Love them to bits. no you did not do things strange it was your day and what you wanted. Our son asked DH to be his bestman. He was over the moon and what a speak i tell as he knew alll the dirt PML. On a more serious note your mum will love these Lorraine. Have a fab evening.

  4. These are stunning & what a FAB idea!

  5. These are so pretty Lorraine! So sorry I have been really busy setting up the new challenge blog I haven't had a minute for blog-hopping! Nice to see you are still producing such wonderful things!
    Lou XX

  6. Lorraine these are just stunning!!! Your mum is going to love them :o)


    Amanda xx

  7. Lorraine I love those coasters! they are gorgeous. Joey.x

  8. wow they are delish and your Mum is going to love them but I must admit they look a bit fiddly diddly to do.
    Hugs Kath xxxx

  9. Love your coasters Lorraine also the story of the hat,family gatherings can be great fun if you have a good sense of humour.I have just started scrapbooking so if you get hooked today please post your work, you give me lots of inspiration.I will be watching the programme too. Eunice

  10. wow Lorraine your costers are gorgeous and I love the pictures hugs Jill xx

  11. these are fab Lorriane, great little keepsakes of your big day
    Anne x
