Thursday 23 April 2009

Credit card fraud.............

Morning everyone, this is just a quickie as I am off to the physio in an hour & still have the housework to finish.... want to get that done so I can do some blogging when I get. Already have a few projects ready but just not got around to uploading them yet...
More importantly...
I'm sure my household is not the only one to ignore those 0845 ........ numbers when they call.... we all suspect the same that it is some flaming company trying to sell you something & you may well be like me & just don't bother to pick up the phone. Well that's exactly what happened yesterday & the call went to answer phone... well the message that was left was to alert us to possible credit card fraud.
Obviously we called the credit card company back to check on this further & would you believe it but yes there had been fraudulent use of our credit card details... there had been several attempts made which had been declined including 14p to a pet store in America, along with around £600 to a British retailer... now the shocking one is what was authorised... just under £50 authorised payment to a restaurant in Britain... now how the dickens did someone manage to pay for a meal in a restaurant when they don't have our cards...
Needless to say the cards have now been cut up & cancelled by the card company and we now await receipt of their replacements.
For all of you lovelies out there who are using your credit cards please remember to be extra vigilant as I think this is something we are going to see a huge increase on due to the current economic climate.
Perhaps we should all start taking those 0845 calls... just incase.
Off to ready myself for physio now but will be back online around 2pm...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear your news. This has happened to hubby and I several times. It is so frustratiing.

  2. are having a real crappy time at the moment....Big Hugs Kath xxxxx

  3. Hi hun same thing happened to me last week so I am awaiting a new card so no stash stocking up for me for a wee while! Thanks for pointing it out! hugs Pascale

  4. Oh Lorraine
    That is dreadful but at least they managed to stop it before it got out of control. There is something to be said for all those nuisance calls then!!
    Kim xXx

  5. My mum was recently a victim of credit card fraud and they managed to accumulate over £8000 worth of stuff!! Thankfully the bank covered it, but you really do need to be careful. Very unfair on genuine retailers trying to make a living.

  6. Lorraine, sorry to hear your news. We've been through the same thing recently and still in the process of getting it all sorted. I don;t know how these people sleep at nights that do things like this. Hope you get things sorted quickly. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  7. I have had those calls, but usually it is some silly little amount that I spent but triggered an alarm.

    Can't think why anyone would try and pay 14p to the USA, very strange.

    They could have cloned your card, so they could use it in a restaurant I guess.

    I haven't had a cheque book and we have run out, now I am worrying someone has it.

    Cazzy x

  8. Gosh Lorraine it's rife at the moment - my mum and dad had over £4000 used on theirs - laptop, air tickets, london underground - turned out it was a ring of people working in London - the serious fraud squad were involved. They think it was people working in call centres taking orders over the phone. Your card can also be cloned too... terrible stuff really and so scarey... I never do on line banking either because of course you can get hacked...


