Friday 3 April 2009

Colorado Springs

Gosh... I just happened to be sitting here looking through pictures on the computer when I stumbled across ones which we had taken during our trip to Colorado Springs 3 years ago... Our one & only trip there so far, for my BIL's wedding so we had a very tight schedule but did still manage to squeeze in a little sight seeing... once you've seen a little you just know you have to visit again to see even more...
Unfortunately I can't remember exactly where this was taken but it was in an area full of rocks like these which hundreds of rock climbers use... Believe it or not... this is a small rock... which if you look at the ones in the background, they will prove I'm telling the truth.
I must admit that at the time of taking this photo, the shade I am standing in was very welcome as the heat was extremely intense & we only had 1 bottle of water between us...
Well I just thought I would share one of my picture memories with you so I hope that you like it and for anyone thinking of visiting Colorado... I would say go for it...
Off to see what else I have and back tomorrow with more creations..
Lorraine xxx

P.s. Many thanks to Christine who left me a post saying she thought that it was
"Garden of The Gods"
and as soon as I read it, I knew that she was correct...

1 comment:

  1. I think th picture is of the Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs. I've been there once and it kinda looks like that. I was there in November so it wasn't hot!!

