Thursday 9 April 2009

Cards for the Troops......

Firstly I would like to apologise for the bad quality of pictures this morning... it is very overcast here today & I have a lot to do this morning so didn't have the usual time to go moving around trying to find a better position...
Last night was a relaxing evening sat in front of the television making a start on a pile of cards to be sent out to our troops... This time I decided that it would be a good way to make a mass of cards quickly & easily if I used some die-cut decoupage...
As ever, when making bulk orders, it's all about getting the production line going, so I sat with my book popping out the images & building them all up... here are some pictures of what I've got done so far, with many more to be added.

All of these images will be temporarily stored in a box until they are ready to go on cards then I will have a massive card making session. Once complete they will be shipped off in their shoe boxes to our loyal troops so that they in turn can send a card to a loved one courtesy of me.
Well must dash now as I'm off out soon to see about setting up some workshops.
Back with you all later today to showcase another new creation.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. you have been a busy bee Lorraine, did you have a trail of sticky backings on you way to bed last Jackie xx

  2. You were a busy bee lol
    I agree though, it's a great way to mass produce cards
    Anne x

  3. lots of gorgeous images all ready to go....watching telly and decoupage go together...Hugs Kath xxxxx

  4. Hi Lorraine,
    My eldest son is in the forces so know first hand how important this task is. You look all set now for your mass carding making session, well done you.
    I sent a box off to the Falklands (which was where my son was based) before Valentines and it was really nice to hear the reports of appreciation.
    Keep up the good work.
    Kim xXx
