Friday 17 April 2009

By means of apology

I'm so sorry for not having posted today at all until now & never managed to get any actual creations uploaded yesterday either, but I have been busy helping my hubby deal with some rather urgent legal matters... thankfully things now seem to be heading in the right direction again so will just have to keep fingers crossed now...
May I just add... nothing he's done wrong but it was infact the actions of an employee who left last week that we've been dealing with... taking some very important information with her.
So as a way of saying sorry to you all, I thought I would share some bunny pictures with you.
Here is buddy lying in his daddy's arms like a big baby getting a belly rub.

And here he is chilling out on the floor with his favourite jacket & toy...
Kath hide your eyes... no you are not seeing a teddy bear...
Well I hope these pictures go some way to making up for my being missing & hopefully normal service will now be resumed.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Oh, your bunny's so cute! Hope all works out for you and your hubby! =) Have a great weekend!

  2. hi Lorraine and hubby x
    why you saying sorry to us comes first..there's no need to owrry about not
    I just really hope things get better sorry to hear what has happened and ive got my fingers crossed it gets all sorted soon.xx

    aww..what cute pic's of buddy,what a big softy..the bunny not
    anyway hope your well..apart from what has been going on.! hugs love clarex

  3. Awww he is such a fur baby - just adorable - he DOES love his daddy doesn't he!!


    Hope you get everything sorted out Lorraine..
