Thursday 5 March 2009

Sorry it's late

I had intended to post earlier but after my first day back on the job today I simply came home.. got into my trackies & ate my Mc Donalds.... the watched some tv.... it's a long time since I've been on my feet the whole day but boy did I enjoy myself & this was helped along by all the lovely visitors I had... I will list them all next week when I have more time on my hands... but right now I'm off to bed for some well needed sleep as I'm up at 6am again in the morning...
For those of you who were at the SECC.... thank you all for coming to visit, for all the hugs I got & also the lovely pressies I received... you are all such a wonderful crowd... shame I didn't manage to get away from the stand to spend some time with you. Can't wait to see what you all bought.
Anyway, nightie night. Candy add on will be upload again at 7am so long as Mr Blogger behaves himself.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Have a great day tomorrow. Don't work to hard.


  2. It was fab to meet you too Lorraine had the best day, thank you for being part of it.

  3. Such a pity we have nothing like SECC here :( Wish you having fun at the SECC :)
