Thursday 12 March 2009

SECC pics

Well a very good morning to all you lovelies out there in blogland...

I do hope the day has found you all safe & well ready for some fun crafting if you have time to fit it in todayNow I had a lovely surprise last night when I received an email from the gorgeous Severine who is now back in sunny France, which included some pictures she had taken of the stand last Saturday morning before the show opened at the SECC.

What a shame she is not in any of them though, so next time around we will have to make sure we get a picture of her... what a gorgeous lady she is & although she is currently 6 months into her pregnancy you would never know it... a tiny little bump (and I do mean tiny) but still so full of energy.

We had a really fab time working on the stand and apparently on Saturday it was noticed by so many traders that I actually spent the whole day bent over demoing... before the show even opened on Sunday I must have been asked at least a dozen times how my back was... isn't it nice when people take time out of their busy schedule to ask after your well being... I must admit I was extremely touched by themIt was funny though when they said that all they ever saw of me was the top of my head & back...

I must admit I was a bit stiff on the Saturday night & I was attending a Silver Wedding Anniversary. One thing that does pop into my head is trying to stretch my back whilst driving the car to the party...

What we had on the stand was for display & demonstration purposes only, but as well the new corner border puches & the (new to the UK) border punch we all know so well as Threading Water.... please note in the UK it is known as Scalloped Lace...

We also displayed some of the new Cloud 9 papers. These unfortunately were not available from any of the retailers as they had not received any stock... Boo Hoo.... never managed to get any for my stash.

However all said & done... it was a magical weekend where we shared many a laugh & giggle... these things happen when you're working in close quarters with one another... squeezing past each other, bumping bums etc... it's all in the name of fun & for me that is what crafting is all about... meeting people, exchanging ideas & having a giggle... that sure did happen around our stand for the full of the show.

I would also love to say a huge thank you to everyone who stopped by the stand to say hi to me... we had a pile of Fiskarettes, and if you've not already joined up you should do... just pop along to and sign up... all those who attended were given a goodie bag...

We also had a load of bloggers, people from the craft group I attend, other demonstrators I know who were not working the show, Lynn from Ink Spot in Hamilton, Lynn from Hobbycraft in Glasgow & Sheonagh from Telfords Direct who I design for...

The saddest part of it all was that I didn't get a true opportunity to spend time with any of these lovely ladies... it was more a quick hello then back to demoing... for that I do apologise to you all... I wish it could have been different but hey when you're being paid to work.... that's what you have to do...

Final thoughts on the matter........... Roll on October.......... here's to everyone meeting up again.

Included in the pictures are myself (black & white cardigan), Archie (who lives only a few miles from me), Reena (black cardigan) who is moving to a new department although we do hope she will help out in the future, and last but by no means least Kat (white t-shirt) who is helping by job sharing the take over of Reena's position so we will be seeing more of her....

Hope you enjoyed the pictures & have a happy day crafting...

Big hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Oh, that is so interesting! Such a pity we have no this kind of things like SECC in Russia! Hope we will some day!

  2. Ahhhhh Thanks for the piccy's Lorraine, nice to see what you get up too, looks like you had a fab time, met lot's of wonderful people..
    Keep up the good work...
    Hugs Angel

  3. Thanks for the pictures. Yep I guess you can't play much when they are paying you to work. At least your work is fun though. *grin*


  4. Every time I went past the Fiskars stall you were surrounded by people, time ran out and I didnt get chance to say hiya....hugs Jackie xx

  5. Thanks for the pictures !!!


  6. Great piccies Lorraine - sounds like you had a busy day. :) :)


  7. thanks for showing us the pic's looks like and sounds like you had a brill weekend.
    hugs clarex

  8. Great piccies, where can I find out when the next show at the SECC is? I live on the south coast of England but I have a friend in Hamilton and would love to combine visits.

    Glad everything went well for you.

  9. Great photos - one day I'll make it there!


  10. Hi Lorraine!

    Thanks for this lovely article!
    See you soon I hope!
    Take care!

