Sunday 15 March 2009

Sakura "Metallic" Pen uses

Now I know I said earlier today that I was having a lazy Sunday... but boy I didn't mean it to be as lazy as it has turned out to be... we popped out to the supermarket for the weekly shopping.. came home & put it away as you do... DH then decided he was going to the gym for a few hours.. which suited me to perfection as I had just bought SC&P so that meant I could have peace & quiet to read through it... well I didn't quite think that meant 2 hours of reading... oh yes... I sat back on the sofa with my feet up, coffee by my side & whilst reading my mag, at the same time was also watching one of my favourites... Audrey Hepburn in "Sabrina"... well I couldn't believe it when hubby arrived home & it was basically teatime... off I popped to the kitchen to get on with it... then I had to have a wee rest again on the sofa to allow my dinner to settle... next thing I know it's after 7pm & I haven't even posted my new creation... shame on me....
Well yesterday I popped along to my local Hobbycraft with my buddy Gayle (littlebird) for those who know her... and although she only went to get 2 items & I was only looking for 1 thing... we succeeded in spending more than intended... not surprising I know.. it happens every time...

Since I've been recovering from my surgery I have been working a lot with challenges to get the old mojo going again, but now I feel I have to refind myself again... I'm at that stage where I have to break free a bit & start working on my own creations from start to finish, instead of them being based around someone else's ideas... I will still be joining in some challenges, but not as many as before...I have found that I haven't been using all the products I should have been and also have stopped experimenting quite a bit & I want to focus on this again...

Well back to yesterday... we did our shopping and then popped along to Frankie & Benny's for lunch... we were both starving by this time... as we are going through the menu Gayle starts laughing at me & when I asked her what was wrong, she informed me that I was sitting in my seat bopping away to the music that was playing... obviously I was having a very cheery day... well we had our lunch, including quite a few laughs as well as a good old catch up natter... then after dinner when we were paying the bill I opened a bag of sweeties... now my mother always taught me it is kind to share so I offered 3 of the friendly looking staff a sweet... to my surprise they actually looked at me like I was a nutcase.... when I turned back to Gayle she too was telling me how mad I was... but she already knew that anyway so it didn't matter... so alas.... I left alone with my bag of sweets & Gayle... yippee... all the more sweeties for me to have all to myself....

Whilst in Hobbycraft I picked up this sweet little wooden frame as I had a good idea for it using my Sakura pens... I have loads of samples to make... so thought I could combine them with finding my creative touch again... The frame was only about £1 I think so it was a bargain...

Last night whilst watching tv I looked out my good old Metallic Sakura pens as they work fabulous on wood & off I set to work... I very simply coloured in the flowers & leaves with direct from pen technique & on the actual frame work itself I used my Koi water brush along with a gold metallic sakura pen to give it a water colour effect.... I didn't want the colour to be too strong... just a tinted background so that my flowers stood out...

I do apologise as the lighting is quite bad & I've actually had to shine a spot light on the frame so you can see the shimmer it has...

Here is a slightly sidewards profile so you can see the depth of the flowers & leaves on the frame.

I know there is some glue visible where the wooden shapes have been attached... but hey for £1 and a little bit of time... I'm sure that any little girl would be more than happy with this & not give a care in the world about the little bits of glue....
Well I hope you've all had a fab weekend & I'm off now to see what else my little fingers can get busy with...
See you all soon..
Lorraine xxx


  1. Lovely frame! Cute flowers! Hugs, Moni

  2. This frame is gorgeous! Just love the shimmer
    Lou XX

  3. Hi Lorraine love the frame and the colours.
    Hugs Linda

  4. very nice frame! I love the colours and the flowers!

  5. I love the photo frame. My Miss V would say it is perfect! Can't wait to see what else you come up with. I too like to do my own creations from start to finish.

  6. very pretty Lorraine, you did a good job

  7. what a bonny job you've made of that frame

  8. This is TOTALLY Adorable!!


  9. awwww what a sweet frame, my lily loves all those kinds of things, she has photos of all the family and her pals in her room, never thought to make the frames myself tho!! how dim is that seeing as i make everything else lmao! I better not let her see this one or she'll be on at me to get some lol

    Glad you and Gayle had a fab day :o)


    Amanda xxx

  10. Really lovely Lorraine,
    wow, Bargain £1.
    pity i have about an hour and half drive to get
    Hugs Angel

  11. Wow Lorraine Thanks for sharing it's stunning..

  12. Hi Lorraine love the frame and the colours.

  13. Wow, that is really pretty, the shimmer effect is lovely, I would not have thought to use these pens on wood!

  14. Cute frame. What an inexpensive gift for alittle girl. Thanks for sharing Lorraine.
